Programme approach

The Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW), the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat, RWS), the Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB), the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT), the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management are collaborating on the introduction of the heavy goods vehicle charge in the Netherlands.

RDW has the main role in the realisation of the heavy goods vehicle charge system. They are responsible for developing IT systems and running tendering procedures, for example for the supervisory systems intended to ensure compliance with the obligation for every truck to be fitted with on-board equipment in working order. They arrange the contracts with the main service provider (HDA in Dutch) and accredit service providers that operate internationally (EETS providers) who are responsible for collecting the charge. RDW plays a role in coordinating the other executive agencies involved, Rijkswaterstaat, ILT and CJIB. Further information on the realisation of the charging system for the heavy goods vehicle charge can be found on the system development & implementation page on this website.

In its capacity as road authority, Rijkswaterstaat will be responsible for such issues as roadside signage, the structures for fitting equipment above the road and monitoring the effects of the heavy goods vehicle charge on traffic flows. The ILT will be responsible for roadside enforcement. CJIB will do collect the charge and any fines imposed.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is responsible for the policy and the legislation and regulations for the heavy goods vehicle charge. The Ministry is also putting together the package of subsidies and other measures for improving sustainability and innovation in the transport sector, which will be funded from the net proceeds from the charge. The RVO will issue the subsidies to businesses.